Whiteboards and magnetic boards

An interesting addition to our offer are small whiteboards and large magnetic boards. It is possible to print any graphics on them as they can be used to leave messages or other important information. You can use them at work, school or at home - for example, to collect magnets. An important advantage is the possibility of multiple usage. For writing on them and erasing the words there is a special dry-erase marker with attached sponge.

The size, shape and thickness of whiteboard will be adjusted to suit your individual preferences.

The shape of the magnetic arrays is limited to a rectangle, but the size and type of framing will be prepared according to your needs.

Characteristics of whiteboards and magnetic boards:

  • any size and shape,
  • lower layer - HDF plate or cardboard with a thickness of 2 mm,
  • middle layer ferromagnetic - steel sheet or foil,
  • top layer - offset printing full-color (CMYK) or UV plotter secure printing (laminated) with glossy or matt,
  • frame of wood or aluminum.

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ASTOM Sergiusz Tomala
95-083 Wrząca k. Łodzi, Poland
ul. Nadrzeczna 1A

tel. +48 501 204 190 | magnesy@astom.pl

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